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When Garren Koller (Digital Maker & Fabrication, Robotics & Embedded Systems, A.S. Artificial Intelligence, A.S. Data Science, A.S. Advancing Computer Science) was younger, he had a condition that led to frequent seizures, which meant numerous hospital visits. Ultimately, a Cardiac Loop Recorder was implanted into his chest to collect his heart rate data.

Once he started attending UAT, Garren realized two things: first, he wants to use his technology experience to help people, and second, he wants to bring the technology used in hospitals to up to speed with current technology.

The budding idea for AME started with the Refine Smart House, a different project Garren was a part of with the goal of updating UAT’s Engineering Lab and Maker Lab with modern Internet of Things (IoT) technology. It was this idea, upgrading older systems and connecting them to the IoT, that inspired Garren to create AME.

AME stands for Astute Medical Environment, which enables medical devices to become IoT devices by connecting to a localized network (Intranet) and displaying information on a computer matrix (patient’s record). This allows for a faster and more comprehensive diagnosis controlled through a network gateway.

This functionality enables doctors to activate devices and access device data in an easy-to-use interface. The true innovation claim here is creating an IoT ecosystem for the medical industry.


The Device

Garren created a pulse oximeter that measures heart rate and oxygen levels in blood through an IR sensor to prove his concept. For the pulse oximeter sensor and sensor board, Garren started by designing schematics and eventually a PCB. This process included signal processing, advanced digital logic design and high-speed digital systems to communicate sensor data with esp32.​​

To help the sensor make more accurate readings, Garren created a housing component for the device. Relying on trends in design principles and using EasyEDA, Garren modeled the pulse oximeter housing component with a PCB design and then applied that design to the form and function of a pulse oximeter device. He then 3D printed the housing, assembled all non-extended parts by JLC PCB, and soldered the extended component to the surface mount.


The Network

The pulse oximeter is able to send data using the onboard microcontroller to a server, which then saves the reading and relays the data to a user interface. This user interface is only accessible on a local network by those who have the proper credentials. The device-to-server communication makes use of the iot.io library created by fellow UAT student Dylan Crockett (ACS, Artificial Intelligence), which is designed to make IoT development faster and simpler. Schematics show the inputs and outputs of the digital logic systems to allow for the MAX30105 module to work.  


The Application

All data collected goes to a CSV file. After the data is collected from the pulse oximeter, it appears in an easy-to-use user interface where the values are displayed.

The future for this project is exciting! Garren is currently in the process of securing a provisional patent.


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