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From Dancing Horrors to a Wolf Guardian, Student Innovation Projects Surprise and Impress

Fall 2021 SIP a Demonstration of Student Innovation

On Tuesday December 14, 2021, in the UAT theater and via zoom, University of Advancing Technology (UAT) students presented their Student Innovation Projects (SIP) to an audience of professors and peers.

Art Direction Professor Dapzury Valenzuela hosted the event, and was excited as both professor and spectator, saying “This was another successful UAT Student Innovation Project Showcase!” She continued, “A big shout to all of my artificial intelligence, business tech, computer science, cyber, game, and robotics students who presented today! It was such a pleasure hosting our in-person + virtual event, with our UAT faculty, staff and students from all over the country able to participate.”

View the full event on YouTube:

The following were this semester’s SIP presentations:

E-Braille by Vanessa Adams

Project Description: A kindle for the visually impaired that allows them to read books in braille. It involves pistons that go up and down to spell out individual braille letters.

Degree Major: Game Design & Game Programming

SIP URL: https://designessa5.weebly.com/sip.html


Concert Drone Live Witness by Jacob Parks

Project Description: A semi-autonomous quad-copter for viewing live events and tourist destinations. 

Degree Major: Robotics & Embedded Systems

SIP URL: https://jparksrobotics.weebly.com/sip.html

Concert Drone Live Witness-1

Green House Party by Benjamin Branch  

Degree Major: Robotics & Embedded Systems

(no additional information available)

Trace AR by Alec Carter

Project Description: Trace AR is an Augmented Reality (AR) program designed to use Google Mediapipe’s hand tracking to detect when a user is making an American Sign Language (ASL) hand sign. This, in turn, expands the possibilities for programmers and designers by providing them with a new form of user input when making games and related programs.

Degree Major: Game Programming

Controller Surgeon by Edgar Hernandez

Project Description: Controller Surgeon is a project that was done using Arduino Uno and a RobotShield Controller. The built controller's program tells the user how the plugged-in controller communicates with the computer by displaying 0 or 1 on the screen. The innovation from this project comes from a controller that you build, then tells the computer how it was assembled.

Degree Major: Game Programming

SIP URL:  https://edgherna.wixsite.com/uatstudent/about-6

Controller Surgeon

GOH! by Benjamin Abarghooie

Degree Major: Game Programming

(no additional information available)

Dancing Horrors by Krist Stevens

Project Description: A side-scrolling Platformer video game set in the music genre. The game has the intention of letting the player move, attack, and dodge to the rhythm of the music for a higher score and better combos.

Degree Major: Game Art & Animation

SIP URL: https://redvsblueman24.wixsite.com/proport/dancing-horrors

Dancing Horrors

The Wolf Guardian by Ash Morgan

Degree Major: Game Art & Animation (Online)

(no additional information available)

More Than a Menu by Casey Grant

Degree Major: Game Design & Game Programming

SIP URL: https://sportygrant0.wixsite.com/caseygrant/projects-3

Visual Sound Reference by Ely Schirtzinger

Project Description: A new way to see environments and the world around you through small visual references that spawn from your body.

Degree Major: Game Design & Game Programming

SIP URL: https://elyschirtzinger.wixsite.com/portfolio/sip

FEEL THIS (For Efficient Effects Like Touch, Haptics, and Integrated Senses) by Kirk Walls

Project Description: A VR glove that uses low-cost materials in order to compete commercially.

Degree Major: Game Design

SIP URL: https://kwallsbusiness.wixsite.com/sip-page/sip

Feel This

Can I Have Your Attention? by Samantha Wilcox & Aubrey “Wren” Martin

Project Description: An educational, scenario-based AR experience that allows individuals to experience a day in the life of someone who has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Degree Major: Samantha (Game Design/Game Programming/Virtual Reality), Aubrey (Advertising Art)

SIP URL: https://reddbirb.wixsite.com/wrenmartinportfolio

Can I have your attention

Shadow Cast by Jeff Addonizio  

Degree Major: Game Design (Online)

SIP URL: https://kwallsbusiness.wixsite.com/sip-page/sip

Multiplayer Senses by Holly Flink (GD/DV)

Project Description: A multiplayer experience where players trade an ability between one another, then allows them to see objects and puzzles.

Degree Major: Game Design & Digital Video

SIP URL: https://holly7532.wixsite.com/gdportfolio/projects-3-4

Modular Loot Tools by Joshua Thornton  

Degree Major: Game Design (Online)

SIP URL: https://holly7532.wixsite.com/gdportfolio/projects-3-4

uDig Forensics by Lorenze Salas (TF)

Project Description: An application that showcases the different career opportunities, hardware, and computer forensics tools in the digital forensics industry. The career displays detailed descriptions, requirements, responsibilities, and skills utilized in the profession. The hardware and computer tools exhibit detailed explanations and features of what they do.

Degree Major: Tech Forensics 

SIP URL: https://www.luhrenz.com/sip

Succinqt by Megan Bess

Degree Major: Tech Forensics (Online)

(no additional information available)

Net Analyzer by Mawadda Abuhamda

Project Description: NetAnalyzer is a security scanner designed to teach users how to secure their own networks.

Degree Major: Network Security

SIP URL:  https://mawaddasportfolio.weebly.com/sip.html

Net Analyzer

I-Apply by Ethan Boren & Matthew Reynolds

Project Description: Resume app designed for an efficient and unique way to apply for security-related job positions.

Degree Major: Ethan (Network Security), Matthew (Business Technology)

Shadow Defense by Zachary Hopping

Project Description: The goal of this project is to create a python program that will scrap for security companies that post IP addresses that are known to distribute malware or are malicious; using UFW will automatically add them to your block list. I would make the program run at least once a week and update its list of known IPs.

Degree Major: Network Security

SIP URL: https://sip-portfolio-zacharyh.weebly.com/sip-project.html

Shadow Defense

Safer Password by Nicole Lindahl

Project Description: Safer Password takes a password that is inputted into the program and runs it against a list of leaked passwords uploaded in the program. It then looks to see if that password is in the list, and if it is then you'll get a return message saying it's not a good password, and if the password inputted is not on that list then it'll let you know it's a good password.

Degree Major: Network Security

SIP URL: https://nicolemarie1429.wixsite.com/nlindahl

Safer Password

Evrie by Daniel Shapiro

Project Description: Evrie is an app for a smart router that allows the consumer to add VPN, DNS, and antivirus services on their router from multiple providers. Evrie also controls the advanced settings on the router and provides analytics for the consumer to view.

Degree Major: Advertising Art 

SIP URL: https://www.danielshapiro.info/


Portable Password Manager by Hunter Autrey

Project Description: It is a portable password manager USB with some extra security, making sure your passwords are safe with you, and if someone steals your USB all the data will be safe.

Degree Major: Network Security  

SIP URL: https://hunterasip.weebly.com

Portable Password Manager

SecureCE by Aaron Hilborne  

Degree Major: Network Security (Online)

(no additional information available)

Compliance Automation as a Service by Austin Wellman  

Degree Major: Network Security (Online)

(no additional information available)

E.G.A.I.T. Tool by Jared Engard

Project Description: The E.G.A.I.T. Tool is an audio analysis tool that grants an extra layer of data collection when conducting a playtest by recording the session and then detecting the emotions of the player based on their speech.

Degree Major: Game Design 

SIP URL: https://engardjared.wixsite.com/portfolio/single-project

Chatquisha by Justyn Adams-Nora  

Project Description: A friendly AI who will be like a friend.

Degree Major: Advancing Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence  

SIP URL: https://justynadamsnora.weebly.com/about-me.html

Sneaker AI by Marcus Melvin

Project Description: Using Artificial intelligence in the retail market to determine if Retro Jordans are used or new condition.  

Degree Major: Advancing Computer Science

SIP URL: https://markdmelv.wixsite.com/demos/sip

Sneaker AI

Furion by Alexander Hess

Project Description: Furion is an innovative encryption program because it aims to use a variable length key with a user-definable database of mathematical equations rather than program defined.

Degree Major: Advancing Computer Science

Kai Rover by Matthew Pylant

Project Description: Underwater ROV that is using an open-sourced microcontroller to teach students the basic understanding of how to program and control a robot.  

Degree Major: Business Technology

SIP URL:  https://stx2006.wixsite.com/matthewp/sip

UAT professors choose six winners from the presentations. Categories include Best SIP Pitch (Evrie by Daniel Shapiro), Most Market Viable (Compliance Automation as a Service by Austin Wellman), Viewer’s Choice (The Wolf Guardian by Ashten Morgan), World Changer (Braille E-Reader by Vanessa Adams), Ingenuity Prize (Visual Sound Reference by Ely Schirtzinger), and Best in Show (The Wolf Guardian by Ashten Morgan).

Congratulations to the winners and all of the students who can now claim their own exciting innovations in the tech world! 🏆🏆🏆


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