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Global Gam Jam 2022: Productivity through Duality

UAT Students and Alumni Engage in Global Gam Jam 2022

At the end of January, the University of Advancing Technology (UAT) launched into another exciting Global Game Jam as an official site for this year’s game creation event. The free, 48-hour jam was fully virtual this year, boasting 33,000 total jammers at 680 sites in 100 countries around the world! Of those, UAT had a great showing, with 57 registered through UAT’s site, https://globalgamejam.org/2022/jam-sites/university-advancing-technology.  

Organized by Adam Moore, the jammers used Discord to communicate, form teams, and help each other out. The 2022 theme was Duality, with 16 games uploaded to UAT’s jam site at https://globalgamejam.org/2022/jam-sites/university-advancing-technology/games.

The Global Game Jam concluded on Sunday, January 30, at 3:00 p.m. Arizona time. Wrap-up included presentations and awards, followed by streaming the games on Discord.

The following are UAT’s site winners:

Best Design: Mirror Block 



Game Programmers: Darin Palermo, Lyndsey Boggs

Game Artists: Kaulana Lee, Lyndsey Boggs

Game Designer: Darin Palermo, Lyndsey Boggs, Kaulana Lee, Raul Montes

Mirror Block


Best Art: Harm Charm



Art by Morgan Kitay and Nick Campbell

Design and Programming by Jeremy Johnston

Harm Charm


Best Technical: Polarity



Made by CatWithAKeyboard in less than 24h



Best Audio: NoThinkingThing



Development and Production credits to William Bailey and Wyvern Studios and Entertainment, LLC.

Art contributions made possible by Epic Games and Wyvern Studios and Entertainment, LLC.

No Thinking Thing


Weirdest Game: A Shadow Named Nyct



Music, Art, and Code by Carter Brinkley

A Shadow Named NYCT


Great work to all of the jammers! And remember, you don’t need any experience to participate in these events. Be on the lookout for the next opportunity to join the fun—and games!

Considering a career in gaming? Check out the following for more information about UAT gaming degrees.

> Game Art and Animation

> Game Design

> Game Programming



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