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The Next Big Thing: SIP Unveils Innovation at its Finest

From Imagination to Innovation

Our Spring 2023 Student Innovation Project (SIP) Showcase was a success! On Tuesday, April 25, 2023, University of Advancing Technology (UAT) students exhibited their innovative ideas that impressed faculty, staff, peers and the community.

Not only does she host the event, but Art Direction Professor Dapzury Valenzuela also prepares the students for their big presentation through their SIP course. Professor Valenzuela shares, "Our Spring 2023 Student Innovation Showcase at UAT was a proud moment for our staff, faculty, parents, and the local tech community to celebrate the innovative projects students developed. It's an arduous experience that requires graduating students to research, pitch, document, and execute an MVP that's unique to the marketplace. I'm so proud of the continued growth of our SIP program and the way it helps to prepare our aspiring technologists for their respective careers. UAT is always striving to push the boundaries of tech and contribute to the advancement of AI, art, business, computer science, cyber, game, marketing, robotics, video, and VR."



Real-Time Molding by Victor Robles

Project Description: Real-time molding in VR has the potential to change the way video games, engineering, prototyping, and sculpting are conducted. This feature will allow users to mold and prototype 3D objects in a virtually simulated environment, providing players with the ability to create unique objects and tools, as well as changing existing actors to suit their aesthetic and tactical wants and needs.

Degree Major: Virtual Reality (VR)

SIP URL: https://www.victorsboardssite.com/single-project

Real-Time Molding by Victor Robles

Health Synth Monitor by Melissa Hurley Tiechert (Online)

Project Description: This device is able to take the user’s heart rate, display the BPM rate and play back musical audio through a MIDI device that is connected to a speaker.

Degree Major: Robotics and Embedded Systems

SIP URL: https://heartsynthmonitor.wordpress.com/sip

Health Synth Monitor by Melissa Hurley Tiechert

A.E.O.N. by Andromeda de Ana (Online)

Project Description: AI haptic membrane with an environmental and monitoring system. This is AI with a personality.

Degree Major: Robotics and Embedded Systems

SIP URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Mp8cZ6n-r8 

Eros by Rico Garcia

Project Description: Eros is a men’s fashion assistant chatbot that operates on a mobile application.

Degree Major: Robotics and Embedded Systems

SIP URL: https://ricogarcia53.wixsite.com/website-2/about-1


The Lighthouse by Brandon Kling

Project Description: The Lighthouse focuses on bringing back the choose-your-own-adventure game archetype. I will create an original story revolving around cosmic horror. 

Degree Major: Advancing Computer Science (ACS)

SIP URL: https://brandonkling.weebly.com/sip.html

The Lighthouse by Brandon Kling

Liberty Estimation Station by Hyrum Johnson

Project Description: Liberty Estimation Station with the help of LESter, the helpful AI, helps to better quote custom home building prices in Southeast Idaho. This was made using data Provided by Liberty Home, Idaho Falls.

Degree Major: Game Programming

SIP URL: https://hyrumjo253.wixsite.com/my-site

Liberty Estimation Station by Hyrum Johnson

Blockchain Executors by Brandon Buchholz (Online)

Project Description: A private, verifiable, incorruptible and irreversible auto-executed will.

Degree Major: Advancing Computer Science


Blockchain Executors by Brandon Buchholz

Alexander AI by Chris Tomaskovic, Hunter Devries-Ramirez and Anthony Shank

Project Description: This project aims to create an AI that can predict the future and issue of an asset buy and sell orders based off social and market cues. It will make stock market trading easier for both beginners and experts. You could also use it as an assistant or to do all the work for you. Anthony is creating an innovative mobile application that incorporates AI and Hunter is working in securing the AI and the other components from security vulnerabilities. 

Degree Major: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Network Security, Advancing Computer Science

SIP URL: Chris—https://christomaskovic.netlify.app/sip.html 

Alexander AI

Authen Gate by Chris Armour

Project Description: Authen Gate aims to create an added level of device security by utilizing geo-fence technology to restrict login access of a hardware authentication device through GPS boundaries.

Degree Major: Network Security

SIP URL: https://armourinnovation.com/sip.html

Authen Gate by Chris Armour

Gone Phishing by Daniel Bonness

Project Description: A program that scans emails and gives the user feedback as to how suspicious they are.

Degree Major: Network Security

SIP URL: https://daniel-bonness.zyrosite.com/sip-project

Gone Phishing by Daniel Bonness

S.A.F.E. by Nicholas Jacob

Project Description: Educational program designed to give beginners an overview on the basics of select subjects.  Introduces students to the fundamentals of recognizing and managing aspects of online safety and security not normally covered by traditional schooling.  Informs students on how to take charge of the vulnerable areas of their digital security.

Degree Major: Network Security

SIP URL: https://ncjacob.wixsite.com/nicholas-jacob/sip

S.A.F.E. by Nicholas Jacob

ASH (Automated System Hardening) by Colton Pritchard

Project Description: Automates system hardening for Windows devices; applies changes to your device to make it more secure using the Windows registry such as disabling unneeded services, configuring firewall settings, encrypt DNS requests with HTTPS, etc.

Degree Major: Network Security

SIP URL: https://xanperdian.weebly.com/

ASH by Colton Pritchard

Phishing Email Analyzer by Sam Roethemeyer

Project Description: A phishing email analyzer to assist and automate processes used by security analysts.

Degree Major: 

SIP URL: https://samroethemeyer.weebly.com/sip.html

Phishing Email Analyzer by Sam Roethemeyer

QR Youth Resources by Avery Worker

Project Description: QR Youth Resources is a website dedicated to helping youths find information in the community such as referral services ranging from private to nonprofit organizations. This tool is operating 24 hours a day every year. QR Youth Resources help youth individuals and families find important resources that they may not even know about. This is a project dedicated to providing critical services that can improve and save lives.

Degree Major: Technology Forensics

SIP URL: https://averyfettworker.wixsite.com/averyworker/about

QR Youth Resources by Avery Worker

Control Your Emotions by Hanna Richards

Project Description: This system takes a player's real-time emotion to procedurally generate the narrative in a video game.

Degree Major: Game Design

SIP URL: https://hannarichardsportfolio.weebly.com/


Picture This! by Joshua Sutphin (Online)

Project Description: Picture This! is a programmed aimed at utilizing existing RGBA values to assign assets spawning locations, assets spawning types and ever asset statistics, with the addition of bit masking and manipulation to squeeze the most out of each value.

Degree Major: Game Programming 

SIP URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch


Virtually Expanding the VR Play Space by Trenton Gilbert (Online)

Project Description: The goal is to eliminate the obstacle of needing a larger plays pace in order to do more with virtual reality.

Degree Major:  Game Programming and Software Engineering

SIP URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch


And the Award Goes To...

After the showcase, the UAT community voted on six winners for various awards. This semester's winners are:

🏆 Best SIP Pitch: Eros by Rico Garcia

🏆 Most Market Viable: Liberty Estimation Station by Hyrum Johnson

🏆 Ingenuity Prize: Authen Gate by Chris Armour

🏆 World Changer: Blockchain Executors by Brandon Buchholtz & S.A.F.E. by Nicholas Jacob

🏆 Best in Show: The Lighthouse by Brandon Kling

🏆 Viewers Choice: Real-Time Molding by Victor Robles

Congratulations to the winners and to all students who can now claim their own exciting innovations in the wonderful world of technology! 👏🎉


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