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UAT Students Cultivate Calm by Making Mini Terrariums

Students took a much-needed screen break at UAT this spring to instead embark on a brief reprieve into the world of mini terrarium making. Glass jars can become enchanted realms when science and creativity collide — who knew?!


If you’re ready to dive into the delightful world of mini terrarium making, where each jar holds the promise of magic, check out the following do-it-yourself guide to crafting one of these miniature wonders:

Create a DIY Mini Terrarium

Supplies Needed:

  • A glass container (thrifted, recycled, or new)
  • Pebbles or gravel (the more colorful and shinier, the better!)
  • Activated charcoal (for keeping things fresh)
  • Potting soil (spring for the good stuff for happy plant roots)
  • Small plants (think tiny ferns, cute succulents, or dreamy mosses)
  • Decorative elements (try shells, fairy figurines, or tiny dinosaurs — let your imagination run wild!)
  • A spray bottle filled with water (for hydration, of course!)

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Pick Your Perfect Pot

Choose a glass container that speaks to your inner artist. Don’t limit yourself — any glass receptacle, from a mason jar to a recycled wine glass, should do.

Rock On

Start with a handful of pebbles at the bottom of your vessel, laying down the foundation for the green goodness to come.

Get Charcoal-y

Sprinkle a little activated charcoal on top of your pebbles and keep your terrarium smelling as fresh as a daisy.

Dig In

Now, scoop in some potting soil. Make sure it's nice and fluffy before the next step.

Plant Party

It's plantin' time! Pop your tiny green friends into the soil, giving them plenty of space to spread their roots and grow big and strong. Try not to overcrowd your terrarium.

Decoration Station

Add extras like seashells or figurines to create a scene straight out of a fairy tale.

Spritz and Sprinkle

Give your terrarium a spritz of water to start. Keep an eye on your little green buddies and water them whenever they're thirsty!

Watch it Grow

Your work is done. With each sprout and leaf unfurling, your tiny ecosystem is a testament to the magic of nature! Show off your efforts by finding the perfect spot to showcase your miniature masterpiece.




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