At the Fall 2024 Semester Awards Ceremony, Marcus Fraser, a junior at University of Advancing Technology (UAT), pursuing his Bachelor of Science in degree in Robotics and Embedded Systems, was named the recipient of the Brooke Cayce Legacy Leadership Award.
Marcus has heard some inspiring stories about Brooke Cayce. He shared, "Though I never met her, her legacy continues to inspire students. She was a leader, a friend, and someone everyone could turn to." Receiving the award named after her was a surreal and humbling experience for Marcus. He recalled watching last year’s ceremony and thinking how amazing she must have been. While watching the most recent ceremony, Marcus was astonished when his name was called. "I was home sick, watching the ceremony online, and genuinely thought I was hallucinating," he said.
Staying involved on campus has been a significant part of Marcus's journey at UAT. He co-founded the Workshop Club, which aims to get students excited about using the Maker's Lab and learning about the machines. "We also want to take things off campus, go to different competitions and also go to more engineering places like we did this semester," Marcus explained. "Besides the club, I serve as a student ambassador and have recently taken on the role of Lead Student Ambassador, which involves training new ambassadors and ensuring they understand the processes. "It's been a rewarding leadership experience for me."
Several professors at UAT have played a crucial role in Marcus's academic development. "Professor Matt Prater, with whom I have taken multiple classes, is always available for guidance," Marcus shared. "Professor Ryan Murray, the club sponsor, has been a pillar of support, helping us bring projects to life. Also, Dr. Brian Becote, who introduced me to cybersecurity, has inspired me to pursue an associate degree in the field. His knowledge and enthusiasm have made learning a joy for me."
Reflecting on his time at UAT, Marcus described some of his most memorable moments as "Visiting Jagco, a small engineering company this past semester, getting the Workshop Club off the ground, and working on the Rollo Internship." He went on to explain that while his classes are getting harder, these experiences and the friend he has made have made the difficulties worth it, stating "I couldn't have done anything without the support of the people here that have helped me along the way."
Looking ahead, Marcus noted his academic success and the opportunities it has opened. "I am excelling in my classes more than ever before," he stated, "which has opened up various opportunities. I am gearing up to apply for internships this summer, hoping to find fulfillment and carve a path in the robotics field."
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