At the culmination of each academic term, UAT orchestrates an event known as the SIP Showcase, where students take the center stage to unveil their endeavors before a discerning panel of educators and an assembly composed of fellow scholars, parents and the possibility of industry luminaries. Allotted a mere 10-minute window, each presenter employs this time to elucidate their brainchild—a product or service. In this concise span, they delve into its functionality, trace the trajectory leading to their prototype, and substantiate their declaration of trailblazing innovation. The presentations draw to a close, transitioning seamlessly into an interactive Q&A session. During this segment, the presenter or team fields inquiries about their brainchild and the obstacles surmounted during its materialization. Moreover, they dissect the present stance of their creation and its preparedness for the market's embrace. Intriguingly, they also lay bare their strategies for monetization or articulate their vision for propelling the project towards tomorrow's horizons.
Watch the full Student Innovation Project Showcase!
The following are all of the projects presented, with links to their individual briefs.
Stace Dixon
Project Description: A geo-locational app that connects parents and anyone with young children to places, activities, and events that prioritize being sustainable and environmentally friendly, with the added feature to build community connections.
Degree Major: Digital Marketing
Bridget Carr
As Your Wish Event Planning
Project Description: A smart, immersive application that can help couples plan their wedding through visualization features that save them money, time, and stress.
Degree Major: Digital Marketing & Advertising Art
Alexis Sloan
STEM for Kiddos
Project Description: A hands-on STEM learning box for kids ages 5-8 with a range of different topics to choose from through interactive projects and activities.
Degree Major: Network Security & Network Engineering
Vanessa Bonner
DDD (Deep, Dark, Surface Web Researching Tool)
Project Description: A research tool that will help conduct research online.
Degree Major: Network Security, Network Engineering & Advancing Computer Science
David Lujan
Project Description: A software GUI that provides easy ways to install software, gather device information, and overall system cleanup.
Degree Major: Network Security
Natasha Johnson
OnVuln (Zero Day Vulnerability Notifications)
Project Description: TBD
Degree Major: Network Security (online)
Austin Foulks
Courtesy of Color
Project Description: A tool that allows developers the ability to create a color-based game that gives other systems and effects a dynamically changing presence based on the comparison of HSB values.
Degree Major: Game Programming & Game Design
Kylan Faubion
Duo Derby
Project Description: Co-op racing game where a team of two individuals work together to complete a track in the fastest time possible.
Degree Major: Game Programming
Nicholas Cullen
Nitro Combinable Powerup System
Project Description: Combining two different powerups together.
Morgan Soetaert
Medical AR Patient Data
Project Description: An AR application for doctors to visualize patient’s medical history.
Degree Major: Game Design & Game Programming
Michael Horne
Interesting Combat for Interactive Novels (ICIN)
Project Description: A gameplay system designed to introduce more interesting and interactive combat scenarios to interactive novels.
Degree Major: Game Design
Ryland Kealey
Pixel Art Palette Analysis
Project Description: Papaya is a program that can analyze the colors of a given image. It can tell the user what kinds of colors are being used, average saturation, values, and more.
Degree Major: Game Design
Connor Peterson
Hunt Mechanic
Project Description: Ability system as loot with creation of new abilities from loot.
Tiffany Roberts
Color Your World
Project Description: A game that will test your skills through a variety of puzzles to restore life and color.
Heather Stone
Book of Gates Portal Game
Project Description: A game that captures the imagination of our past ancestors.
Blake Mather
VR Arm Synchronization Unit
Project Description: A VR add-on that is designed to provide resistance in the user’s arm through tension.
Degree Major: Virtual Reality (online)
Brett Hoffman
Project Description: A video game development tool focused on ease of use in the field of rhythm games.
Degree Major: Game Design
Jeffrey O’Hara
Dementia 101 for Caregivers
Project Description: Dementia 101 for Caregivers is a mobile application designed to help provide education and symptom management for those caring for someone with one of the five most common types of dementia.
Degree Major: Advancing Computer Science
Dawson Katzer
Fine Haven
Project Description: An interactive decorating app that helps people select and purchase items for a room that’s free, quick and simple to use.
Degree Major: Human Computer Interaction
Max Edward
Project Description: The smart and safe motorcycle helmet visor solution that reduces distractions and improves rider safety and comfort.
Degree Major: Robotics & Embedded Systems and Digital Maker & Fabrication
Tyler Widener
F.L.A.S.H. (Flashing Lights & Amplified Sound Housing)
Project Description: A modular device for Nerf® blasters that adds customizable lights and sound.
Degree Major: Robotics & Embedded Systems
Devin DeHart
Comfort Controller
Project Description: A soft-touch controller with a comfortable grip for those with texture aversions.
Degree Major: Digital Maker & Fabrication (online)
William Bryant
Rack Pack
Project Description: A product that addresses the pressing concerns of fire safety onboard ships and submarines by securing tablets within coffin racks.
Degree Major: Digital Maker & Fabrication (online)