UAT Tech - Official Blog of University of Advancing Technology

Avoid Cyber Steals When Shopping for Online Deals

Written by Aaron Jones | Nov 17, 2020 10:43:14 PM
Holiday shopping from home can be fun—or it can be a disaster. According to LifeLock, last year the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center got an average of 1,300 online theft complaints a day, with a total of $3.5 billion in losses! Here are 10 tips for staying safe this holiday season when shopping online.


1. Use strong passwords on all of your accounts. Never reuse passwords.


2. Buy from reputable retailers and be cautious who is supplying your goods.


3. Use a tool like Eno from Capital One to obfuscate your credit card number.


4. Never use a debit card to make purchases.


5. Always use SSL. This is usually represented by a lock in the left-hand corner of the     browser.



6. Do not fall for scams. Be cautious of ‘too good to be true’ deals and limited-time offers.


7. Just because something is "for sale" doesn't mean you are getting the best deal. Retailers often hike the price for weeks before dropping it to normal levels just before the holidays.


8. Keep receipts and pay attention to your credit card bills. Look for odd charges and be ready to dispute.


9. Watch out for technical support scams or offers to help you with shopping during the holiday season.


10. Don't tell people what you bought or post about expensive purchases on social media.


Be safe, and happy hunting! (Make sure to share any great deals...)



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More about Aaron: 

Aaron Jones, the lead Cyber Instructor at the University of Advancing Technology, is a software developer who currently creates applications for law enforcement. He is also an AZ POST certified General Instructor as well as a public speaker. He earned a B.Sc., in Computer Information Systems from Park University in 2013 and an M.A., in Intelligence Analysis with a focus in Cyber Security in 2014. He has been the recipient of recognition from the El Paso Police Department, State of Texas, Texas Military Forces, Chandler Police Department, and others.