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History of UAT, 40th Anniversary

7 Min Read

UAT through the years with Chairman of the Board Jay Lohman

Jay Lohman, the current Chairman of the Board for the University of Advancing Technology (UAT) has served on the Board since 2005, becoming Chairman pro-tempore in November of 2012, and official Chairman in March of 2013. Chairman Lohman has made his career as a CPA and founded his firm the Lohman Company in 2000. He recalled being asked to join by UAT founder Dr. Dominic Pistillo, "I really was impressed by what Dominic had done, an independent board. That means it wasn't made up of family, it wasn't made up of key employees. The one other thing that I knew as I got to know Dominic more with a little bit that general consulting is that he established it utilizing the Carver method of governance."

The Carver model is different from other models of governance in that it strives to keep the Board actively engaged in strategy and focused on Mission, and avoids distraction with tactics and administrative issues. In other words, the Board offers guidance on where you should be going - not how you should get there. It has long been revered as one of the most ethical board governance models, as it dictates high levels of "moral ownership". A Carver board has goals tied to the outcomes of its organization, but cannot play a role in directing any of the operations to achieve those goals (e.g. a Carver board member who happens to be a botanist could never direct their organization to start selling houseplants, and then direct the organization to purchase those plants from their nursery). Chairman Lohman discussed the Carver model stating "We (the Board) hold the president accountable. Are we meeting those and now achieving the goal that we laid out, etc.. Now, if you understand that background, that's a huge difference that most people don't understand. And that's a congrats to Dominic for setting up on that. Jason continues exactly in the same way and that you have a board that independent under the Carver method."

After spending nearly 20 years on the UAT Board of Directors Chairman Lohman has a unique perspective of UAT’s achievements and the future of where UAT can go. When speaking on what he has seen UAT do, Chairman Lohman said “The quality of education that's been done, the quality of the key management people is phenomenal. Education's one of the toughest businesses here. The biggest reason why is, if you think about it, at the Board level is the groups that we're responsible. We're responsible to students. We're also have a contingent in exposure to the parents and we're responsible to the shareholders and the owners. “ 



Not only has he seen UAT grow, UAT has made and impact on Chairman Lohman. He said “I have a much deeper appreciation for how challenging the education business is. The economic, political regulations and then the number of number of pockets of people that the organization and the board is responsible for, then that's over top of that whole organization are federal and state regulations.  That's probably what I've learned the most.

With UAT’s history of success comes the anticipation of what is next, and from a higher level inside the organization like the Board, Chairman Lohman has a unique view on where UAT can go. He anticipates UAT’s future to be a bright one describing, “If you can keep that structure, not the same directors necessarily, but if UAT can keep focus on the whole energy and goals of the firm as defined and hopefully maintain a high percentage of the same management talent. You're going to have people moving up there, and some people retire. That's part of that challenge of building and retaining and continuing a quality organization. I see it very high. The reason is there's been a real focus on what kind of student you're attracting. And that focus then is into the courses offered. “


Click here to read more about UAT through the years and the history of UAT.


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