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Spring 2021 Student Innovation Project Showcase

UAT's Spring 2021 Student Innovation Project, SIP, Showcase was a success!

University of Advancing Technology students continue to build technology that entertains, educates, connects, and protects us. This semester’s projects included a PC rhythm game, a goal-setting app, a customizable 3D garment interface, a digital course for content creators, an alternative login solution based on steganography, a discord bot for reporting cheaters, a stealth game that flips the traditional role of lighting to offer new perspectives, a secure flash drive that uses your phone for authentication, a physical server protector, a multi-player AR game, a reading log book light for kids, an object detection program for international travel and a detachable cover for shopping carts to help reduce the spread of COVID-19,  just to name a few!

These projects exemplify what UAT stands for, innovating for the future. The hard work students do on their projects makes each SIP Showcase a proud moment for faculty and staff and I'm grateful for the opportunity to lead and guide these aspiring technologists. 

Enjoy learning more about the student projects!


Student: Tyrease Teer

Project Title: Project Roft

Project Description: A PC rhythm game that challenges one’s keyboard literacy.

Degree Major: Game Programming

SIP URL: http://miijii.weebly.com/project-roft.html  



Student: Zachary Lloyd

Project Title: Interactive Spawn System

Project Description: Spawn system is directly impacted by preferences set by player and player position.

Degree Major: Game Programming

SIP URL: https://zacharylloyd.weebly.com/sip.html  

Interactive Spawn


Student: Takota Berry

Project Title: Hikari no Yami

Project Description: A stealth game that flips the traditional rolls of light and dark that offers the player a unique perspective of both how they see themselves, and the world around them.

Degree Major: Game Programming

SIP URL: https://sites.google.com/view/portfolio-takota-berry/sip  



Student: Mickyl Rodriguez

Project Title: Retro Forge

Project Description: Pixel-based fighting game that allows the players to fully customize various aspects of their fighters within an evolving system that increases the resolution and customizability.

Degree Major: Game Art & Animation

SIP URL: https://mickyl0804.wixsite.com/website/about  



Students: James Cortezano, Katelyn Jensen and Ethan Dean

Project Title: GoalMania

Project Description: GoalMania is a goal setting app with dress-up assets to help motivate the user to complete their real-life goals within games rewards. The app also keeps tabs on the user's accomplishments to displays what they’ve completed along with notifications of pending goals.

Degree Major: Katelyn Jensen - Game Art & Animation, James Cortezano - Game Art & Animation, Ethan Dean - Game Programming

SIP URL: https://katelynjensenartist.weebly.com/goalmania.html  

Goal Mania


Student: Alina Iovita

Project Title: Custom 3D

Project Description: A web interface of 3D character garments that can be customized by the user for purchase.

Degree Major: Game Art & Animation

SIP URL: https://alinaiovita.wixsite.com/portfolio/innovation-project   



Student: Joseph Chilton

Project Title: Triad Pursuit

Project Description: Triad Pursuit is a team-based racing game that competes for points using asymmetrical gameplay.

Degree Major: Game Art & Animation

SIP URL: https://josephchilton.weebly.com/sip.html  

Triad Pursuit 


Student: John Balog

Project Title: Voodoo Doll

Project Description: Voodoo Doll is an on-screen UI element and an accessibility option for Action/Hack’n Slash players to more easily make use of limb targeting lock-on mechanics.

Degree Major: Game Art & Animation

SIP URL: https://grayjhon289.wixsite.com/portfolio/student-innovation-project  

Voodoo Doll


Student: John C. Pratt

Project Title: Contextual Object Weathering

Project Description: A system in which objects in a game world can be interacted by various weathering effects and how to achieve them. The system will showcase the effects of wind and water weathering.

Degree Major: Game Art and Animation

SIP URL: https://johnsartroom.weebly.com/sip.html  

Contextual Object Weathering-1


Student: Ruth Luis

Project Title: Mechanics Mirror

Project Description: Integrate real-world players as key assets into multi-player AR gameplay through the use of the front-facing camera.

Degree Major: Game Art & Animation

SIP URL: https://ruthf10.wixsite.com/ruynis/art-work  

Mechanics Mirror


Student: Jonathon Sherwood

Project Title: Helter Skelter

Project Description: Helter Skelter is a system that encourages player creativity by allowing them to assemble their character’s body parts in any combination in order to solve different puzzles and challenges.

Degree Major: Game Design, Game Programming & Advancing Computer Science

SIP URL: http://jonathonsherwoodportfolio.weebly.com/sip.html  

Helter Skelter


Student: Kady Morse

Project Title: Songbird Mansion

Project Description: A single-player horror level in which the player must stay calm. If the player becomes stressed, the environment they are in will change drastically. With the use of synesthesia noises, what they hear can guide the player down the right path.

Degree Major: Game Design

SIP URL: https://kadymorse.weebly.com/student-innovation-project.html  

Songbird Mansion


Student: V. Greffin

Project Title: Freedom of Movement MOBA

Project Description: The Freedom of Movement MOBA takes the MOBA genre and introduces the idea that players can move in any direction, creating a new experience for MOBA fans, new and old.

Degree Major: Game Design

SIP URL: https://vgreffinportfolio.weebly.com/student-innovation-project.html  

MOBA Dracopedia


Student: John Leddon

Project Title: The G.R.I.P.

Project Description: The G.R.I.P. is an innovative solution to help mitigate the spread of germs though a detachable, and easy to clean handle for shopping carts.

Degree Major: Advertising Art

SIP URL: https://penpointgraphics2u.wordpress.com/sip/  



Student: Daniel Rosca Leal

Project Title: SIP Social Media

Project Description: An innovative digital course that walks content creators through the steps for converting their content to other social media platforms.

Degree Major: Business Technology

SIP URL: https://danleal.wixsite.com/sip1  

SIP Social


Student: Dawson Greeley

Project Title: LinuxTKS

Project Description: LinuxTKS is a simple to use toolkit that features elements such as file change and SSH connection detection.

Degree Major: Network Security

SIP URL: https://dawsongreeley.com/sip  



Student: Danny Ghazal

Project Title: Log BOX

Project Description: Log Box is an innovative login solution that utilizes the principles of steganography to make logging into applications safer and easier.

Degree Major: Network Security

SIP URL: www.dannyghazal.weebly.com  

Log Box


Student: Cordell Ruzewski

Project Title: Ghost Drive

Project Description: A secure flash drive that uses your phone for authentication.

Degree Major: Network Security

SIP URL: http://www.dellbox.info/sip.html  



Student: Kyle Stecki

Project Title: HomeVul Scan Bot

Project Description: Discord bot for reporting cheaters in video games and network security education.

Degree Major: Network Security

SIP URL: https://www.kylestecki.com/sip.html  



Students: Gregory Pacheco and Andrew Sturgeon

Project Title: Serve Save Protection

Project Description: Serve Save Protection gives server rooms physical protection along with software like firewalls. This protection is going to be similar to bank or store protection where you push a button and metal walls are deployed on the windows and doors for physical protection. In this case, a Kevlar sheet will deploy and protect the server.

Degree Major: Andrew Sturgeon - Network Security, Gregory Pacheco - Robotics & Embedded Systems

SIP URL: gregorypachecosite.wordpress.com/sip/    

SIP URL: https://andrewsturgeon99.wixsite.com/portfolio/sip  

Serve Save


Student: Amanda Grose

Project Title: Animookites – The Booklight with a Brain

Project Description: This project aims to create a different kind of booklight; specifically, booklights that are shaped like animals that can keep track of minutes read. The product will also feature a reading log app.

Degree Major: Robotics and Embedded Systems, Game Programming, Game Art & Animation

SIP URL: https://agrose071479.wixsite.com/website-1  



Student: Alejandro Salas

Project Title: Tecam

Project Description: Tecam is an Object Detection program responsible for recording, analyzing, predicting, and displaying estimated wait times of the commercial vehicle lanes in Tecate, Mexico port of entry.

Degree Major: Advancing Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence

SIP URL: https://salas10alex.wixsite.com/salasportfolio/sip-1  



Student: Edwin Edwin

Project Title: Interial

Project Description: A smart stock analytics platform that utilizes Machine Learning technology to analyze real-time stock market data to help investors.

Degree Major: Artificial Intelligence

SIP URL: https://edwinkys.com/  



Student: James Guillory

Project Title: Spider Swarms

Project Description: Spider Swarms focuses on making the spider robot move through edge scanning video feed from its camera.

Degree Major: Advancing Computer Science

SIP URL: https://jamesguillory23.wixsite.com/website/shedule-1  



Students: Brittney Tollison and Tyler Denton

Project Title: Programme Facile

Project Description: Programme Facile is poised to disrupt an antiquated ballet industry with a simply, user-friendly web interface that allows users to easily create a schedule and manipulate it based on their needs. An added feature is the replacement of a dancers who cancel allowing the Instructor to fill the position in real time.

Degree Major: Advancing Computer Science

SIP URL: https://britolli.wixsite.com/brittney-tollison  

Programme Facile


Student: Russell Pickney, Jr.

Project Title: Tower Defense Tactics

Project Description: Tower Defense Game

Degree Major: Advancing Computer Science

SIP URL: https://pickneymoo.wixsite.com/portfolio/sip

Tower Defense Tactics


And the winners are… 

Best SIP Pitch 🏆

Project Roft by Tyrease Teer


Most Market Viable 🏆

Custom 3D by Alina Iovita


Viewers’ Choice 🏆

Booklight with a Brain by Amanda Grose


World Changer 🏆

LogBox by Danny Ghazal


Ingenuity Prize 🏆

Helter Skelter by Jonathon Sherwood


Best in Show 🏆

Tecam by Alejandro Salas


Congratulations to all students for your excellent work!


Check out past SIP Showcases:

Students Put Their Innovation on Exhibit at SIP Showcase

SIP Showcase Demonstrates UAT Student Success

Summer SIP Showcase: UAT Students Present Industry Innovations



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