Welcome to 2021!
I know we’ve all been hanging our hat on the fact that this year will be so much better than the last, but as an optimist, I’d like to share that 2020 wasn’t all bad.
OK, I'm sure after what many have been through that not all would agree with that statement. And while we can surely agree that the year was quite often disappointing and frustrating, there were a lot of moments that we don’t actually want to forget—thanks to our students who continued to push through and not give up.
So on to the good stuff!
We talked to UAT Provost, Dr. David Bolman, about his feelings from this past year, and here’s what he had to say…
“Here we are at the beginning of 2021. Congratulations on making it here! A year ago, no one would have predicted what was ahead. Frankly, there are events unfolding now in January that continue to surprise me. 2020 was in no way an easy year and the holiday break felt well-earned. Now into the new year and thinking about what has been great during 2020, I see how the students, professors and staff of UAT have been amazing about shaking off the realities of this global pandemic, leaning-in on being agile and focusing on the thing in front of each of us. I like to think that it is our training and predisposition towards navigating changing and evolving technologies that made us at UAT among the best at figuring out 2020.”
Take a look at some of the fun we had…
And that's not all! The year began with some exciting news:
AR Escape Room Makes Phoenix News
Then jumped right in with 14 new games created:
Global Game Jam 2020 Levels Up
But then things got serious:
UAT Students Use Video Games for Combatting COVID-19 Spread
But that didn’t stop UAT students:
Spring SIP Fair Showcases Student Innovation—And Resilience
In fact, they continued to reach for the stars!
And still do good for those here on planet Earth:
UAT Refurbathon Results in 121 Free Computers for Title 1 Schools
Charity Refurbathon Contest Provides More Than 100 Computers for Title 1 Schools
Students work during the October 2020 Refurbathon.
The students still managed to have fun:
2020 is All Fun and Games at UAT
They kept working on their innovations, too:
Summer SIP Showcase: UAT Students Present Industry Innovations
SIP Showcase Demonstrates UAT Student Success
And they accomplished some amazing things:
A Winning Semester Ends 2020 with a High Score
So, to start things off right, we bought a bunch of new tech for 2021:
This year isn’t going to be instantly perfect, but with all we were able to celebrate from last year, we are confident that there’s plenty more good stuff to come. Campus is safe. Progress is happening. And Neflix is releasing new movies every single week.
There’s a lot to look forward to in 2021—let’s do this.